Visiting CT Children’s Medical Center

December 28, 2022

Visiting CT Children’s Medical Center - CT Senate Republic

I had a wonderful visit at the CT Children’s Medical Center. I am a Board certified Hematology-Oncology doctor. I take care of adults, not kids, so I learned a lot about what CT Children’s does each day caring for thousands of kids who need medical care. It was nice to meet and chat with my colleague, Dr. Michael Isakoff, who is a Pediatric Hematology-Oncology doctor and the Clinical Director of the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders. I also visited the Snowflake Shop, which provides a great resource for kids and families. As a doctor these past ~30 years, I understand patient care. As a state physician leader for many years, I have had a special interest in health care. As a State Senator, I look forward to being of further help.