CT Senate Republicans Call for Hearing on Energy Rate Increases

November 18, 2022

CT Senate Republicans Call for Hearing on Energy Rate Increases - CT Senate Republic

Today the Connecticut Senate Republican Caucus wrote to the co-chairs of the General Assembly’s Energy & Technology Committee to share their support for an immediate hearing on energy rate increases filed yesterday by Eversource and United Illuminating.


“We must work together to help Connecticut’s struggling families from shouldering this outrageous burden,” the CT Senate Republicans wrote. “That starts with transparency about these rate increases and the public policies that led to this point. Connecticut is one of the most unaffordable states with some of the highest energy costs in the country. It is our responsibility to be the voices of our constituents who are struggling. We must ask the tough questions of our energy stakeholders: the utilities, regulators, and state officials. We must identify the actions that can be taken to reduce costs and make our state more affordable, including and especially when it comes to energy costs.”


“We all share deep concern for how these rate increases will impact our families and calling an immediate hearing to bring accountability, transparency, and action will go a long way to finding solutions to help Connecticut,” they wrote.


Eversource and United Illuminating filed their proposed new Standard Service Rates with PURA on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Starting January 1, 2023 the Standard Service Rate for residential Eversource customers will go from 12.1 cents a kWh to 24.2 cents a kWh. An average customer using 700kWh per month will see an increase of 48% or about $85 a month increase. This rate will run from 1/1/23 until 6/30/23. United Illuminating’s Standard Service Rate will increase from 10.62 cents per kWh to 21.94 cents per kWh. This will be a bill increase of 43% or an average monthly increase of $79.


If you need help:

  • If you are an Eversource customer having a difficult time paying your bill visit Eversource.com/Billhelp to read more about the options available.  Eversource is also hosting two webinars to help customers understand their options on December 1 and December 8.
  • UI has several programs to help customers who need assistance paying their bills.  Customers can go to the UI website or call (800) 722-5584 for more information on these programs.