Hwang: Relief for Elderly & Disabled CT Renters Will Help Vulnerable Individuals Make Ends Meet
October 27, 2022

Relief for Elderly & Disabled CT Renters Will Help Vulnerable Individuals Make Ends Meet
Sen. Tony Hwang (R-28th District), ranking member of the Connecticut legislature’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee, today applauded the announcement that checks totaling $23.9 million are being distributed this week to those who applied for the Connecticut Renters’ Rebate Program.
“Approximately 45,000 vulnerable Connecticut residents will be receiving an average rebate of $540,” said Sen. Hwang, who has served as Co-Chair of the legislature’s Housing Committee and as Vice-Chair of the Aging Committee. “With sky high inflation, our cost of living keeps getting higher and higher. Everyone is feeling the pain, especially our seniors on fixed income and those with disabilities. These funds will help make daily life more affordable for tens of thousands of residents in need.”
The rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the calendar year prior to the year in which the renter applies. Applications are filed with either social service agencies or assessor’s offices in individual towns.
In 2017, Sen. Hwang helped to lead the effort to override then-Governor Daniel Malloy’s veto of bipartisan 8-30g affordable housing reform legislation. The successful veto override marked Connecticut’s first affordable housing reform in 30 years. The law put into place a series of modest, equitable, common sense changes that updated the 8-30g statute and provided towns a better opportunity to create their own affordable housing development plans while staving off predatory development.
“Our bipartisan goal in affordable housing policy reform continues to be transparency and a sharing of common goals,“ Sen. Hwang said. “We want to increase housing opportunities for everyone in Connecticut. We want to allow more local zoning and planning input in developing affordable and workforce housing projects.”
This year, Sen. Hwang voted in support of $1.2 billion in immediate and broad-based tax relief for all Connecticut families. (AffordableConnecticut.com)
He represents Fairfield, Westport, Weston, Easton, Newtown and Sandy Hook.
On the web: SenatorHwang.com