Sen. Sampson statement on Cos Cob assistant principal’s bigoted, discriminatory comments captured on video

September 1, 2022

Sen. Sampson statement on Cos Cob assistant principal’s bigoted, discriminatory comments captured on video - CT Senate Republic

State Sen. Rob Sampson (R-16) today issued the following statement on the viral video of a Greenwich Public Schools assistant principal.


“Recent events have highlighted a growing concern in our state and across our country – how primary education is developed, delivered, and managed in each of our communities. I am excited to see more and more attention focused on some of the problems, and pleased that people are speaking up and demanding change.


“Last night, I shared my appreciation for James O’Keefe and Project Veritas for exposing the troubling story of an assistant principal here in our state using his position to bring his own political ideology into the education provided to children in his care. Regardless of your place on the political spectrum, you should be furious that this could happen.


“Here are four key principles I stand for and will continue to fight for in reforming education:


“1) This is not a criticism of teachers, but it is the parents who should determine what is taught in every classroom. Teachers and parents should have a partnership in determining education for students. Teachers need more control in the classroom. In recent years, they have been undermined by mandates and bureaucracy, and some administrations. With that said, it is always the parents who should have final say about what is taught.


“2) Curriculum should be determined on a local level by local Boards of Education – closest to home and most responsive to those parents. If there is a state level department of education, it should be limited to providing resources and expertise and not making policy for individual school districts. Local boards of Education must meet in-person and provide open access to residents to address their concerns. This is how our American system of representative government works.


“3) Parents should also have access to curriculum taught in their schools, and even some access to the classroom itself – and ultimately, the choice to opt-in or out of any courses or classes they choose.


“4) Political bias has no place in schools.


“I put in several legislative proposals in the past legislative session that address these concerns. Sadly, all were completely ignored by the Democrat leadership of the legislature’s Education Committee.


“I encourage all parents to read and share them. I need your help to raise awareness that I am putting these bills forward and that they should be raised for discussion, debate and a vote in the legislature next year.”

2022 Legislative Requests to Education Committee – Promoting Transparency for Parents

Transparency in Training and Instruction Materials
Prohibition of Teaching Biased Political Ideology
Parental Option to Withdraw
Parental Classroom Visitation