CT Opens Investigation for Alleged Discrimination and Indoctrination at Cos Cob School [Boceto Media]

September 8, 2022

CT Opens Investigation for Alleged Discrimination and Indoctrination at Cos Cob School [Boceto Media] - CT Senate Republic

Article as published by Boceto Media:


Hartford, CT.- A week after the scandalous Project Veritas undercover report, which sparked speculation of discrimination and indoctrination at a Cos Cob public school, Senator Rob Sampson (R) appears to be getting support from the community to anger this supposed educational problem.

As is known, after the video where Jeremy Boland, who until then worked as an assistant to the director of that school, is seen,  says that he “hires neither Catholics nor older people”; and that he prefers to hire “liberals” so that he can find his way to “reach” the minds of the students; he state prosecutor, William Tong, came out on September 2 to denounce the alleged actions and announced that an investigation will be carried out to get to the bottom of the matter .

“As attorney general, I am calling on my civil rights enforcement authority to investigate any unlawful, dangerous discrimination, or other actionable misconduct related to that video,” Tong said at a press conference on September 1.

Immediately, members of the Republican Party expressed their outrage about the alleged educational practices in public schools, and say they have begun to receive information about alleged bad practices when hiring teachers.


SKETCH MEDIA , interviewed 2 leaders of the Hispanic community in the state, Representative Edwin Vargas Jr (D), and Representative of Hispanic Republicans, Rubén Rodríguez (R), and both agreed that an investigation should be done.

“Suddenly it’s such a common thing, not just in Cos Cob, but maybe it happens in other cities, I think this probably happens often, but maybe it hasn’t been revealed how it happened thanks to a recording that was made in secret.” , said representative Vargas, to which Rodríguez added, “Americans must be going on all over the country where this is possibly not the only one that is going to be investigated.”


That’s the case for Senator Rob Sampson (R), who took to the web to denounce some of the politically oriented teacher training materials, but this time he pointed the finger at Gilford Public Schools.

“I continue to receive messages from concerned parents and educators about how political ideology is being injected into our public schools,” the senator said in a statement.


MEDIA SKETCH , reached out to Senator Sampson, to find out more about how lawmakers are working to determine what happens in the state’s schools.

“I think Secretary Cardona is part of the problem. He has a history of promoting education based on race, and with initiatives of exact things that do not belong in the classroom, ”said Sampson.

In January 2022, Sampson, along with other Republican senators, tried to propose a law that puts a stop to what they consider a politically skewed teaching, and which should not be influenced or established by any regional education director, nor federal directors. teachers, if only good for the families.


The proposal was forgotten, since the curriculum for the year 2022-2023 was already underway.

“Unfortunately, the Democrats find themselves dividing this nation by race, gender, and creed for the purpose of creating political division, which they see as beneficial to furthering their agenda and winning elections,” he told SKETCH MEDIA .

For his part, Attorney General Tong said during the conference that “discrimination, hatred, bigotry, against any person, and against any religion, or on the basis of age, or otherwise is reprehensible and wrong, which is why I will take measures like his attorney general.”

Senator Sampson also spoke about some opinion pieces (Op-Ed) in digital newspapers in Connecticut that began to circulate in recent days addressing this issue, questioning the authenticity of the report made by Project Veritas.

“I trust Project Veritas to deliver the truth without manipulation. James O’Keefe has a long history of uncovering acts of corruption and violations that the average person would be shocked by. The report is not an op-ed, like it’s in those leftist Connecticut print or online newspapers,” Sampson said emphatically.

It should be remembered that on September 1, SKETCH MEDIA interviewed Governor Lamont, and he said, “I didn’t like what happened in Cos Cob, but that’s isolated, I want to believe. I’ll do my best to make sure that never happened. But more importantly, I want to celebrate the best teachers in the world in the best schools in the world.”


The undercover report by Project Veritas came out right in the middle of the state election campaign, where incumbent Democratic Governor Ned Lamont is facing Republican leader Bob Stefanowski.

“I will exercise my civil rights authority to protect people in Connecticut who are subject to unlawful discrimination anywhere, just as I have protected Connecticut immigrants, LGBTQ plus people, and others subject to discrimination and disenfranchisement. I will not to do anything different just because this is a political season and people want to see me come to one conclusion or another,” Prosecutor Tong said.

But Senator Sampson thinks differently, “Despite the facts of this matter, I have no faith that our Attorney General will conduct this fair and impartial investigation. He has proven himself a progressive on other issues and suspects his approach will not change. If he really does run an honest investigation into this incident, it will be because of the overwhelming pressure from the public, including many concerned parents,” Sampson said.

The Greenwich County steering group where the Cos Cob schools belong announced that Jeremy Boland is suspended from work without pay until his statements are clarified.

“We will conduct a thorough investigation, review and analyze all evidence. This will not happen overnight, but we will get to the bottom of this and hold anyone involved in misconduct accountable.”

This is a developing case.