Formica, Kelly: Sales Tax Free Week Not Nearly Enough to Ease Burdens on CT Families

August 17, 2022

Formica, Kelly: Sales Tax Free Week Not Nearly Enough to Ease Burdens on CT Families - CT Senate Republic

 CT Democrats Rejected Over $1.2 Billion in Additional Tax Relief Offered by CT GOP this Year


HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) released the following statement regarding Connecticut’s upcoming sales tax free week discussed at a press conference today by Governor Ned Lamont:


“We welcome and have fought for relief for Connecticut residents. But one week of a limited sales tax exemption is not nearly enough in these times of struggle for families and over collected tax surpluses for the state. Connecticut Republicans offered over $1.2 billion in additional tax relief this year, but Gov. Lamont and Democratic lawmakers thumbed their noses at it and voted no. As inflation continues to surge, Connecticut residents are still being overtaxed. But instead of returning those surging revenues – your hard earned money – back to you, CT Democrats chose to keep it. CT Democrats have voted against an income tax reduction for you, a sales tax cut every week, suspending the meals tax and diesel tax, and repealing the truck tax that will only increase prices of goods and groceries even further.


“Inflation is at a 40 year high, grocery prices are over 13% higher than this time last year, and CT remains one of the highest taxed states in the country. Since 2011, Democrats voted to increase taxes in Connecticut by nearly $7 billion, including taxing clothing and footwear under $50. They voted for the very tax they now celebrate giving you a temporary reprieve from. CT families deserve better representation in Hartford. They need further relief.”