Speak out against rising health care costs.

July 29, 2022

Speak out against rising health care costs. - CT Senate Republic

PUBLIC HEARING set for August 15

Proposed health insurance rate hikes being reviewed in Hartford could impact you. There’s still time to speak out.

As inflation hits a 40-year-high, the costs for family budgets continue to climb. Gas is more expensive, food is more expensive, going to the doctor is more expensive and there’s no relief from the state.

Now state regulators are considering health insurance rate increases averaging over 20% that will make it even harder for working and middle class families to afford coverage and balance kitchen table budgets.

There’s a better way to affordable health care, and I continue to advocate for reforms to reduce health insurance rates by over $6,400 per year for the average family, as estimated by Access Health CT. Democrats in Connecticut have blocked these reforms for far too long, and as a result health care costs continue to climb higher. READ OUR PLAN.


You have a chance to speak out against rising health care costs – and demand action from lawmakers.

Please join me and SUBMIT TESTIMONY against the proposed insurance rate hikes by emailing [email protected] with your name and testimony attached. You can also sign up to testify in person at a hearing to be held on Monday, August 15, 2022.

Urge lawmakers to finally take action to reduce health care costs for all families


Meeting Date: Monday, August 15, 2022

Time: 9:00 AM

Where: Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford, Connecticut

Viewing: This hybrid informational meeting will be held both in person and online. CTN will web stream the hearing live.


How to Testify:
The public will have an opportunity to submit questions and/or provide comments specific to the rate filings. Anyone wishing to speak virtually at the meeting via Zoom can sign up by sending an email to [email protected] with your name and written comments attached no later than Friday, August 22, 2022.

Anyone who wants to speak in person can sign up on the morning of August 15 at the Legislative Office Building beginning at 8:30AM.

In order to accommodate all those who wish to speak, oral comments at the hearing will be limited to 3 minutes per person. The online public comment period began on July 8 when the filings were posted for public review and such period will be open until the decision is made by the Department.

How to Submit Comments Online:
The health insurance rate requests are available for viewing and open to public comment online here, and on the Department’s website.

Click here for more details.