Sens. Kelly, Formica, Hwang Call for Public Hearing in Capitol Complex on Health Insurance Rate Hikes
July 11, 2022

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme), and Senator Tony Hwang (R-Fairfield) ranking member of the Insurance & Real Estate Committee are requesting that legislative leaders, Governor Lamont, and Insurance Department Commissioner Mais hold a public hearing at the State Capitol complex on the proposed health insurance rate filings for the 2023 individual and small group markets, which include proposed rate increases averaging over 20%.
Attached is the letter from the Senate Republican leaders requesting the public hearing to take place within the State Capitol complex on proposed health insurance rate hikes.
“We ask that the Department of Insurance hold a full public hearing on these proposed rate increases, and additionally we ask that this hearing take place within the State Capitol complex. We need a fully open and accessible public hearing process to ensure transparency and access regarding an issue that is vitally important to people’s lives. Holding this hearing at the Capitol complex will enable the greatest level of public access in a facility that was built to foster public gathering, listening, expression, and advocacy,” Sens. Kelly, Formica, and Hwang wrote (letter attached).
Read the statement issued by Sens. Kelly and Hwang on Friday, July 8 in reaction to the rate hike proposals.