Senator Witkos Condemns Distribution of Neo-Nazi material in Torrington
July 6, 2022
Hartford, CT – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-Canton) has released the following statement following the distribution of neo-nazi materials in Torrington by a white supremacist organization based out of state:
“The recent actions by the New England Socialist Club to spread hate and division in Torrington, as well as elsewhere across Connecticut and New England are reprehensible and their message, and actions, should be condemned unequivocally. This type of message, and any attempt to intimidate or divide residents based on their background, origin, or ancestry is not welcome” said Senator Witkos.
“Our country, and our communities, are made stronger by our diversity. We cannot, and should not, turn a blind eye to hatred in any form. I join others in condemning this deplorable and cowardly act and stand united with all those in speaking out against white supremacy and the actions of this hate group” added the Senator.