Inflation Reaches 40 Year High of 9.1%. Senators Kelly, Formica Call for Relief.

July 14, 2022

Inflation Reaches 40 Year High of 9.1%. Senators Kelly, Formica Call for Relief. - CT Senate Republic

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R- Stratford) and Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) released the following statement in response to nationwide inflation reaching a 40 year high of 9.1%:


“U.S. inflation just hit its highest rate in 40 years, but CT Democrats still won’t give working- and middle-class families back the over collected tax revenue caused by record inflation. Anyone with their feet planted in the money struggles of CT’s working and middle class knows today’s inflation rate is not ‘backward looking’ as Gov. Lamont suggests. Inflation is here and it hurts.  The costs for family budgets continue to climb.  Gas is more expensive, food is more expensive, going to the doctor is more expensive and the State has an opportunity to help but they won’t – why? Instead of easing these burdens facing our families, Democrats in the majority insist on new tax hikes that will only make the cost of food, services, and heating oil that much more unaffordable. CT Republicans have offered a better way to ease burdens on family budgets and to provide long-term tax relief and immediate assistance with income and sales tax cuts. We also have a plan to reduce health insurance rates that could be going up another 20%. Yet CT Democrats are still refusing to give people back their own money when they need it most.”


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