Kelly, Formica Respond to President Biden’s Calls for States to Do More to Ease Tax Burdens

June 22, 2022

Kelly, Formica Respond to President Biden’s Calls for States to Do More to Ease Tax Burdens - CT Senate Republic

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) released the following statement in reaction to President Biden calling on states to suspend gas and diesel taxes and delay planned tax and fee increases:


“CT Republicans have been calling for significant tax relief since January, after fighting a long list of CT Democrats’ tax increases last year, including a new gas tax and truck tax. Now even President Biden is asking for more tax relief, calling on states to act, and CT Democrats are saying no. The state is sitting on over $800 million in surplus funds that can help CT families now when they need it most. Even dysfunctional Washington sees it, but CT Democrats don’t. They say they’ve done enough. Do you think you’ve gotten enough relief? Has your household budget improved? Is CT more affordable today? Are the prices of gas and groceries going down? State government has taken $800 million too much from you and we think you should get it back. We hope you agree. If you do, sign the petition at to demand a special session and review our comprehensive tax relief plan to deliver relief to all CT residents today.”