Senator Witkos Votes in Support of Budget Adjustments
May 4, 2022
Senator Kevin Witkos (R-Canton) released the following statement regarding his vote in support of the state budget adjustment.
“The State Senate last night took final action on an act adjusting the state budget for the biennium ending June 23rd, 2023.
During debate on the budget, the Senate Republican caucus put forth an amendment which among other things, would have done the following:
- Reduced the state income tax for low and middle-income families and individuals from 5% to 4%
- Reduced the state sales tax and eliminating the meals tax through the end of the year
- Reduced the tax on diesel fuel
- Reduced burdens on job creators by paying down the state’s unemployment trust fund loan
I stand in strong support of these expanded tax relief measures and was proud to have voted in favor of the proposed changes. Regrettably, the amendment put forward by the Senate Republican caucus was voted down along party lines.
Ultimately, and after significant thought and consideration, I voted in favor of the budget as presented. I did not make this decision lightly, and I did, and still do, harbor concerns for the long-term sustainability of the various tax reductions contained in the proposal, and a lack of meaningful support for the state unemployment fund which has been considerably drawn down as a result of the pandemic.
That said, I was pleased that the budget included a payment of approximately $3.5 billion to the pension fund, and provisions intended to deliver needed and long overdue tax relief to residents across Connecticut. A few of these provisions include the following:
- Increasing the property tax credit to $300.00 and removing eligibility restrictions
- Accelerating pension and annuity deduction to income year 2022
- Lowering the motor vehicle mill rate cap to 32.46
The adjusted budget also includes provisions to allocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the federal government. This allocation includes $100,000 to both the Avon Senior Center and the Torrington Senior Center. Per federal guidelines, ARPA funds are available for up to four years. As we are in the third year of ARPA funding, I support the full usage of these funds to provide much needed capital and program relief in Connecticut”