Sen. Sampson Statement on Bill Protecting Doctors that Assist SWAT Teams

April 4, 2022

Sen. Sampson Statement on Bill Protecting Doctors that Assist SWAT Teams - CT Senate Republic

Sen. Rob Sampson issued the following statement regarding the favorable passage of S.B. 165 out of the Judiciary Committee on April 4, 2022:


“I am pleased to see my proposed bill proving immunity to doctors who assist SWAT teams pass favorably out of the Judiciary committee today. This is important legislation that will save lives. Currently, physicians are often prohibited from participating in these emergency and life-saving activities by their employing hospitals because of the potential of liability. This bill treats them as the Good Samaritans they are. I have offered this bill the last two or three years and we’ve gotten close but I am hopeful this year it will become law.”