Sen. Rob Sampson Calls to End Shutout of People’s Voice in Hartford; Opposes Measure Again Extending Certain Gov. Lamont Executive Orders (4/12/2022)

April 12, 2022

Sen. Rob Sampson Calls to End Shutout of People’s Voice in Hartford; Opposes Measure Again Extending Certain Gov. Lamont Executive Orders (4/12/2022) - CT Senate Republic

Sen. Rob Sampson (R-Wolcott) today issued a statement in opposition of the Senate’s passage of S.B. 493, which extends certain Executive Orders issued by Governor Lamont in response to Covid-19. The unrelated Executive Orders are combined into one piece of legislation, and include policy on congregate housing, vaccine status-sharing, housing evictions and the classification of ‘Temporary Nurse’s Aide’ in healthcare settings. These orders were set to expire on April 15.


“This bill and underlying executive orders were quietly adopted by this chamber today, and that is exactly what is wrong here. Looking at its contents, I do not oppose these measures on their face. Some really are bad. Others may be helpful. What I have grave concern with is the Majority Democrats’ sustained effort to keep the people of Connecticut apart from the legislative process,” said Senator Sampson.


“We are separating the people from their government. If these were good polices, then they should have gone through the complete legislative process that includes public comment, and thorough vetting from legislative committees composed of legislators who are the voice of their constituents.


“Instead, today, the Democrat Senate Majority approved more unilateral authority in Connecticut by way of Executive Orders. It bears to mind that these same orders were issued by a Governor who, months ago, declined to ask for an extension of his own executive powers. We must return to our system where the people of the state actually hold control over what we do at the Capitol, not a system where one man arbitrarily dictates policy and the majority picks and chooses when to follow our American system of representative government,” he said.


Click here to view Senator Sampson’s full remarks from the Senate floor.