Sen. Kelly Responds to Gov. Lamont Dismissing Republican Calls for $1.2 Billion in Immediate Tax Relief
April 26, 2022

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to comments made by Governor Ned Lamont today, and comments made by Democratic legislative leaders over the weekend, regarding CT Republicans’ calls for $1.2 billion in tax relief for working- and middle-class families including a reduction to the income tax, sales tax, and more:
“Connecticut families are struggling. Meanwhile, government is flush with middle-class tax dollars, and Democratic leaders are unwilling to provide immediate relief. It’s wrong to take more than you need. But that’s exactly what Gov. Lamont and the Democratic majority are doing. They are overtaxing Connecticut families, and keeping those dollars at a time when the middle class is struggling to make ends meet. CT families need immediate and significant relief. They need state leaders who will fight for them, stand up to the bullying of Washington, and deliver real tax relief during these difficult times. Anyone who says that people must be content with limiting relief to tax credits does not walk in the shoes of working- and middle-class families. They do not see the pain our families are experiencing today and the need for relief now.”