Kelly, Formica: Report on West Haven finances “a stunning indictment of alleged misuse of COVID-19 relief funds”
April 1, 2022

“Alleged abuse comes at a cost. Taxpayers are the ones who pay. We continue to advocate for transparency and accountability.”
HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and Senate Republican Leader Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) released the following statement responding to a report issued today by CohnReznick, the independent firm hired by the Office of Policy and Management to investigate and report on allegations of misuse of Coronavirus Relief Funds by the City of West Haven:
“This report is a stunning indictment of alleged misuse of COVID-19 relief funds and an administration that allowed such neglect and waste to occur. If this could happen in one town, how do we know it isn’t happening in others?
“Alleged abuse comes at a cost. Taxpayers are the ones who pay when funds wrongly appropriated or misused. Connecticut families are already struggling. Between inflation, high taxes, and an economy that does not perform for working- and middle-class families, Connecticut residents do not need more financial burdens to shoulder. Yet we are seeing in one town alone, over a million dollars that should have gone to help people, programs and services, allegedly wasted on inappropriate expenditures, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill.”
“This report shows that the disturbing alleged abuse of funds in West Haven goes far deeper than initially reported. We already heard about the alleged theft of over $600,000 by a former Democratic state representative and town employee. This report suggests that another nearly $900,000 in CARES Act funds meant to help those struggling most during the pandemic were misused by the town. And this report doesn’t even look at ARPA funds, the second round of federal funds received by the town.
“This report solidifies the need for reform. We continue to advocate for policies that will bring transparency and accountability to Connecticut. There is much work to do to restore public trust and protect taxpayers and their hard earned dollars. We must strengthen safeguards to ensure all funds are helping the most people during these difficult times, and change the system where abuse can and has occurred.”
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