Kelly, Formica React to $1.9 Billion Price Tag of Gov. Lamont’s State Employee Bonuses and Raises
April 15, 2022

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) released the following statement in reaction to the Office of Fiscal Analysis’ estimated $1.87 billion price tag associated with the contract agreement between Gov. Ned Lamont’s administration and the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC), which includes raises as well as bonus payments of $3,500:
“Connecticut is experiencing an unprecedented over-collection of taxes from our residents. We have a budget in place that is balanced and exceeding revenues with a historic surplus. The state now has a choice. Are we going to return these tax dollars to struggling families to provide immediate relief? Or are we going to spend it on growing the size of government and bonuses for states employees? CT Democrats are choosing to spend.
“These bonuses and raises will cost a minimum of $1.8 billion over the next four years. State employees will get a nearly 8% taxpayer funded pay raise just this year, while every other family in Connecticut faces the challenges of 8.5% inflation – an estimated annual increase of over $5,200 per family – with no immediate relief being offered by CT Democrats.
“The ‘deal’ negotiated by Gov. Lamont is no deal at all. It provides no benefit to state taxpayers. It will add more burdens onto CT families. It will force UConn to raise tuition yet again. And if the goal is truly to retain employees, why does the Governor’s ‘deal’ allow workers to collect a bonus and still retire this year?
“Connecticut is already unaffordable for working- and middle-class families, and inflation is only making things worse. Yet instead of a conversation on how we can use $1.9 billion to provide relief to every family – state workers included – CT Democrats are keeping these dollars for government itself. Meanwhile, Connecticut families are the ones making the sacrifice to pay government.”
Today the Office of Fiscal Analysis released a fiscal note for the SEBAC deal. The analysis indicates the agreement will cost a minimum of $1.87 billion, with an option to increase further in year four.
Over the biennium, the cost includes approximately $380 million for General Fund employees and $326 million for non-General-Fund employees, including UConn, UConn Health, and the Board of Regents.