Kelly, Formica, Martin: “CT families need relief now.”
April 6, 2022

Kelly, Formica, Martin Statement on Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee Revenue Package Summary
HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), Senate Republican Leader Paul Formica (R-East Lyme), and Ranking Member of the Finance, Revenue & Bonding Committee Senator Henri Martin (R-Bristol) released the following statement regarding today’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee meeting today and revenue package summary released this morning:
“The Democratic majority handed us a revenue package summary this morning, less than 10 minutes before the scheduled start of today’s meeting at which we are expected to vote on the tax package. To receive this at the last minute is an attempt by Democratic leaders to rush a vote and limit time for review and discussion. What they should be rushing to do is provide immediate tax relief to residents. Instead, they are hastily pushing through a package that does not provide any relief for at least another year. A 40 year high in inflation is here today and so must tax relief. Tax credits are a good thing, but they are not immediate relief, and they require residents to pay up before they get anything back. The majority’s tax package does nothing in the immediate, and by rushing this through today they are trying to silence the voices of those who want greater and faster tax relief for working and middle class families who are struggling today. Connecticut has the second most taxed citizenry in the nation with low and middle income households paying a higher percentage of their income thanks to Democrats’ tax policies. CT families need relief now.”