Senator Witkos Attends Northwest Chamber Legislative Reception
March 17, 2022
Winsted, CT – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-Canton) recently took part in a legislative reception held by the Northwest CT Chamber of Commerce. The reception, hosted by Northwestern CT Community College, offered Chamber members and attendees the opportunity to meet with and discuss issues of importance to them and their businesses with their legislative delegation.
“The annual legislative reception continues to be an important event and I was so pleased we were able to once again meet in person. Being able to meet directly with business owners and to hear firsthand their feedback and concerns is important, especially as we hit the mid-way point of the legislative session” said Senator Witkos.
Senator Witkos was also recognized by the Northwest CT Chamber Government Relations Committee for his hard work on behalf of the business community during his tenure as a legislator. “I’m grateful to Chamber President JoAnn Ryan, and Jacque Williams, Chairman of the Chamber Government Relations Committee for this recognition. Over my many years as a legislator I always appreciated the chance to work with, and advocate on behalf of, the Northwest CT Chamber to help improve our business climate and grow jobs throughout the northwest corner” added Senator Witkos.