Sen. Fazio: 8-30g “counterproductive and demoralizing” to diverse communities

March 8, 2022

Sen. Fazio: 8-30g “counterproductive and demoralizing” to diverse communities - CT Senate Republic

(From Greenwich Free Press)

The Connecticut General Assembly held a Zoom hearing on SB 169 (
An Act Concerning a Study of the Effects of Affordable Housing Policies in the State), a bill calling for a re-examination of the state’s affordable housing law 8-30g, which many see as deficient.

State Senator Ryan Fazio (R-36) and Steve Meskers (D-150), both from Greenwich, detailed how problematic 8-30g has been to their town.

Fazio said 8-30g was both “counterproductive and demoralizing” to diverse communities by voiding their local zoning authority.

He said after decades on the books, 8-30g had failed to achieve the desired effect, creating more problems that it solves, given 8-30g voids local control for 138 towns and cities in favor of rules that give special benefit to large developers who create little affordable housing.

Fazio noted only 30 municipalities out of 169 in the state had met the stated goal of achieving 10% affordable housing, and said the law failed to generate upward mobility.

“Since the law went into effect in 1990, the poverty rate in Connecticut has increased more than any state in the country, according to the US Census,” Fazio said.

“Instead we need to encourage and reward diverse forms of affordable housing and local buy-in. 8-30g primarily recognizes government and deed restricted housing, while rewarding dense 8-30g complexes built by big developers.”

Fazio said naturally occurring affordable housing should “count” as affordable, in addition to workforce housing and accessory dwelling units.