Sen. Champagne, CT Senate & House Republicans Call for Suspending State Gas Tax
March 14, 2022

Calls for lawmakers to adopt Republican proposal during legislative session this Wednesday, Mar. 16
State Senator Dan Champagne (R-Vernon) joined Connecticut Senate and House Republicans in calling on state lawmakers to temporarily suspend the state gross receipts tax on gasoline and is demanding that Connecticut’s federal Congressional delegation deliver on a federal gas tax cut proposal to provide immediate relief to Connecticut residents as gas prices surge.
Senator Champagne and Connecticut Republican lawmakers are proposing to suspend the state’s gross receipts tax on gasoline, which has risen to 26.4 cents per gallon in recent weeks. Also, they are demanding that Connecticut’s federal delegation follow through on calls to halt the federal 18.4 cents per gallon gas tax.
Together, these proposals will immediately save Connecticut residents 44.8 cents on every gallon of gasoline.
Senator Champagne and Republican leaders are calling on state lawmakers to adopt this proposal immediately during the legislative session scheduled for this Wednesday, March 16, 2022. The lawmakers will also seek to adopt language to require that suppliers and retailers pass on the reduction in taxes to consumers.
The state tax proposal is budget neutral. The state can afford the reduction with its windfall in increased sales tax and gas tax revenue the state is collecting as a result of inflation.
“Connecticut families are frustrated and they’re struggling. Hardworking people in this state cannot wait months or a year for indirect forms of relief or relief gimmicks like rebates. They need help immediately. At the same time when Connecticut has record budget surpluses from inflation and federal relief funds, people are struggling to get themselves to work, get their kids to school and put food on the table. This is wrong and we have the ability, today, to provide needed relief. This should not be a partisan issue and I encourage my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to do what is right for Connecticut families: adopt this proposal in Wednesday’s legislative session,” said Senator Champagne.