(Watch) Sen. Fazio: “8-30g runs totally roughshod over any local say-so”

February 28, 2022

(Watch)  Sen. Fazio: “8-30g runs totally roughshod over any local say-so” - CT Senate Republic

(From News 12 CT)

New Canaan First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and State Sen. Ryan Fazio both say 8-30g, a state statute requiring municipalities to meet certain affordable housings goals, needs to be reformed.

They oppose plans for a 102-unit affordable housing development in the downtown neighborhood.

“We’ve done a great job over the past 10, 15 years building affordable housing and we want to continue to do that, but 8-30g is a sledgehammer trying to solve a problem,” said First Selectman Moynihan.

“As is, 8-30g runs totally roughshod over any local say-so, any local planning and zoning rules and is demoralizing communities,” said Sen. Fazio.
