State Senator Tony Hwang shares info on Informational Hearing on Extending Governor Lamont’s Executive Orders, particularly on EO 9-1 School Mask Mandate
February 4, 2022

The Connecticut General Assembly is holding a 6-hour long Informational Hearing this week on the pending extensions of pandemic policies:
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2022 – 9:00 AM UNTIL 3:00PM
Register to speak:
Watch on YouTube:
Watch on CT-N:
The Legislature’s Public Health Committee will hold an Informational Hearing on the Continuation of Emergency Declarations and Limited Executive Orders on Tuesday, February 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. The Informational Hearing can be viewed via YouTube Live. In addition, the Informational Hearing may be recorded and broadcast live on Individuals who wish to testify via Zoom must register using the On-line Testimony Registration Form. The registration form must contain the name of the person who will be testifying. A unique email address must be provided for each person registered to speak.
Registration will close on Monday, February 7 at 3:00 P.M. Speaker order of approved registrants will be listed in a randomized order and posted on the CGA Website Calendar under the event on Monday, February 7 at 6:00 P.M.
People can email written testimony to [email protected] and cc me at [email protected] in Word or PDF format. The first two hours of the hearing are reserved for state officials. Speakers will be limited to three minutes of testimony. All public hearing testimony, written or spoken, is public information.
As a legislator, it’s our responsibility to represent the voices of our constituents in our respective legislative chambers as a co-equal branch of state government. That’s why I also strongly believe that should the eleven remaining Executive Orders issued by Governor Lamont come to a vote, they need to be voted on independently and not as a full package of 11 EO’s into 1 vote. Each of these orders addresses very specific matters. Some may not have compelling reasons to extend while for others, the need may be imperative. Packaging these Executive Orders together for a single vote only serves to shield legislators from the accountability their constituents expect and deserve.
Before any Executive Orders are codified in state law, the public deserves the opportunity to be heard and observe their representative leaders vote on the matter. I hope the many concerned parents, business owners and community members I have heard from over the past two years take this opportunity to speak out.
State Senator Tony Hwang Statement 1-21-22: