Sen. Cicarella, Senate GOP Leaders Share ‘A Better Way to a Prosperous CT’
February 23, 2022

Today State Sen. Paul Cicarella (R-North Haven) and Connecticut Senate Republican leaders unveiled a package of legislative proposals focused on job growth and workforce development, and called on their colleagues to work together to make Connecticut more supportive of opportunity, training and good paying jobs to support all families.
The proposals include policies to enhance workforce training at the high school level, expand apprenticeship support programs, offer apprenticeships/licensure credits for Veterans with prior experience, establish a health care workforce training program in Connecticut high schools, and grow jobs in the state’s defense and insurance industries.
The legislative package entitled “A Better Way to a Prosperous Connecticut” is part of the Senate Republicans’ “Better Way” agenda, which includes policies to make Connecticut more affordable, healthy, transparent and safe.
“It is vital that we work to reach our children at an early age, with an eye to pathways to careers that don’t need to involve a four-year degree,” said Senator Cicarella.
As ranking member of the legislature’s Veterans Committee, Senator Cicarella also emphasized the importance of enabling Veterans to maximize the relevant skills that they develop while proudly serving the country. “We also must continue supporting opportunities for Veterans who often enter the workforce with unique skills from their time in service,” he said.
The Better Way to a Prosperous Connecticut includes the following proposals:
- “Pipeline to Work” Program
- Workforce Development Path to Career
- “Health Care Academy”
- Return of Job Fairs
- Vocational Programs Recruitment
- Taskforce to Study Occupational Licenses
- Providing Career Opportunities for Veterans
- “Buy CT to Build CT” program to support job growth in the defense industry
- Growing Jobs in our state’s Flagship Insurance Industry
Learn more at Read the plan: