Sen. Cicarella Remarks on Today’s Senate Debate on Extending Emergency Declaration and Executive Orders
February 14, 2022

State Sen. Paul Cicarella (R-North Haven) issued the following remarks today during the Senate debate on House Bill 5047 and House Joint Resolution 1. The legislation debated and voted on today in the State Senate extends the Governor’s executive orders and declares a continuation of a public health emergency and civil preparedness emergency through June 30, 2022.
“Our job is to be the voice of the people. This caucus heard the voice of our constituents loud and clear, and parents want the decision to mask or unmask their children to be their own. It’s imperative that parents are able to make decisions that they believe to be best for their kids. It’s also alarming the decisions that were made by the government with a lack of data on the benefits and consequences of masking our children. With that said, this another reason why it is vital to leave this type of important decision up to parents,” said Senator Cicarella.
“In this sweeping bill, the Majority included several unrelated measures on public health, housing and education. This is not the right way to make public policy that affects almost every aspect of the lives of families. Without a true public hearing, it is a disservice to our constituents who should be our voice in these matters. I know that I preserved their voice with my vote today.
“My approach has been to listen to the entire issue and to do as much good for as many families as possible. For this reason, I opposed this measure and further extending a public health emergency in the state,” he said.