Sen. Berthel Opposes Extension of Governor’s Executive Orders Preventing Parental Choice on School Masking
February 14, 2022

State Sen. Eric Berthel (R-Watertown) issued the following remarks today during the Senate debate on House Bill 5047 and House Joint Resolution 1. The legislation debated and voted on today in the State Senate extends the Governor’s executive orders and declares a continuation of a public health emergency and civil preparedness emergency through June 30, 2022.
“Masking of children today, yesterday and for the past two years should be at the discretion of a parent and not by government. We have experts within our schools who can provide parents with advice should they need further guidance. We’ve done this for years,” said Senator Berthel.
“Despite a thinly veiled six-hour informational hearing last week, the real public hearing took place on Wednesday outside of the Capitol. Hundreds of parents exercised their freedom and were heard with a resounding voice.
“What happened today was a disservice to families in our district. The measure, adopted by the Majority, includes several policy issues that affect the lives of families in many different ways. Each of these matters pertaining to public health, housing and education should have received their own public hearing as separate measures, to be adopted or rejected by this body as the voice of the people. Absent this, the Majority continues to send the same message as it has for two years to Connecticut families: ‘We know more than you.’ For this reason, I strongly oppose this sweeping measure.”