Get your voice heard at legislative summit [Rep-Am]

February 1, 2022

Get your voice heard at legislative summit [Rep-Am] - CT Senate Republic

Sen. Berthel joins the Waterbury Regional Chamber of Commerce and local businesses on Feb. 11 at the chamber’s annual Legislative Summit. He recently shared a preview of his remarks with chamber president Lynn Ward in her weekly column in the Republican-American:


“Business owners from across the spectrum—micro, small, and large business— need a clear direction with what laws or regulations might be enacted that will directly impact their bottom lines…We must provide businesses with enough information so that they can make decisions that enable them to grow, driving our economy,” said Berthel.


For Berthel, the issues of main concern to him revolve around the extension of the state’s public health/civil preparedness emergency and any related executive powers, as he says business leaders fear having to live in the shadow of another potential mandated shutdown, which would be detrimental to their bottom lines.