Kelly, Formica Release Legislation to Safeguard Opioid Settlement Dollars and Combat Crisis

February 15, 2022

Kelly, Formica Release Legislation to Safeguard Opioid Settlement Dollars and Combat Crisis - CT Senate Republic

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) responded to Governor Ned Lamont’s announcement today that he too is advocating for safeguarding funds from the national settlement with the country’s largest pharmaceutical distributers and drug maker to dedicate resources to fighting the opioid epidemic.


“Senate Republicans have repeatedly called for Connecticut to safeguard opioid settlement funds. We applaud the desire to work collectively to achieve this goal and thank the Governor and Attorney General for sharing their proposal today,” said Sens. Kelly and Formica.


“Connecticut Senate Republican leaders have proposals both to safeguard settlement funds and ensure that funds are used to fight the opioid epidemic, with particular attention to raising public awareness as well as funding the purchase of lifesaving Narcan for schools. Senate Republicans have also called for increased penalties for the sale of fentanyl which is involved in over 80% of recent the overdose deaths in Connecticut. Today, Senate Republicans are sharing draft legislation on our proposals to combat the opioid epidemic, safeguard settlement funds, and fight fentanyl.”


Two draft bills offered by Senate Republican leaders:

  • The first proposal, AN ACT CONCERNING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS RECEIVED BY THE STATE, seeks to safeguard settlement dollars. Draft bill available here.
  • The second proposal, AN ACT CONCERNING PENALTIES FOR THE SALE OF FENTANYL, SCHOOL USE OF OPIOID ANTAGONISTS AND PUBLIC AWARENESS OF OPIOID USE DISORDERS, would increase penalties for the sale of fentanyl, develop guidance for schools to manage Narcan, dedicate a portion of settlement funds to establish a public awareness campaign on the dangers of opioids and fentanyl as well as use a portion of these funds to provide Narcan to districts that choose to keep the opioid antagonist in their schools. Draft bill available here.