CT Senate Republicans Release Legislation for “A Better Way to a Safer CT”

February 22, 2022

CT Senate Republicans Release Legislation for “A Better Way to a Safer CT” - CT Senate Republic

Read the Legislative Proposal Draft Bill Language:



HARTFORD – Connecticut Senate Republican leaders today released draft legislation to implement their proposal to address the surge in violent crime across Connecticut, create opportunity, and make our state safe.


The draft bill LCO No. 766 An Act Concerning Opportunities for Youths, Housing Reforms and Juvenile and Criminal Justice Reforms is available here: https://www.ctsenaterepublicans.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/SaferCTBill_2022LCO00766-R00-BIL-002.pdf.


The plan, A Better Way to a Safer Connecticut, was first announced by Senate Republicans in October. The package includes justice reforms to improve crime response, support law enforcement, and remove barriers to intervention services, as well as policies to address the root causes of crime including issues related to trauma, education, housing and jobs.


“We all deserve to live in a state where we feel safe,” said Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford). “We need immediate action to properly respond to crime. We need to ensure law enforcement and our justice system have the tools to keep all people safe. We also need action to prevent crime, to end the cycle of juvenile injustice and a lack of opportunity that pushes people, especially young people, towards crime. We cannot ignore that Connecticut is dead last in job growth and income growth and Connecticut’s economy is failing our children and failing our cities. We need to build a ladder out of poverty. We need good paying jobs. We need safe housing. And we need to empower communities to thrive. We are here today to share a plan that offers a better way to a safer Connecticut.”


Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) added, “Solutions must come with input from our communities, from social workers and experts in the justice system, from juvenile advocates and police, from victims and from community leaders. That’s why we have been out in our communities, in cities across the state, talking to people who work with juveniles every day. Talking to our police. Talking to community leaders about what has worked, what has failed, and where we go from here. I want to thank the many individuals and organizations that senators and staff have had the privilege of speaking with. Those conversations have led to the proposals we share today.”


“I have had the honor and privilege to work with my colleagues in many bipartisan conversations focused on certain juvenile justice reform ideas, but it’s clear the conversation must be expanded,” said Senator John A. Kissel (R-Enfield), ranking member of the Judiciary Committee. “We need a holistic approach to not only respond to crime immediately, but to prevent crime over the long term.”


Sen. Kelly said, “These holistic ideas are meant to advance discussions and open the door to action. We welcome input. We must involve police, community leaders, prosecutors, public defenders, and youth advocates to shape the best policies. A safer CT starts with a stronger CT. It starts with an economy that can support jobs, build hope, and create a path to success for young people. It starts with proactive policing, accountability for repeat offenders and ensuring our justice system has the tools to successfully rehabilitate.”


Read the draft legislation: https://www.ctsenaterepublicans.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/SaferCTBill_2022LCO00766-R00-BIL-002.pdf.


Read the plan summary at SaferCT.com: https://www.ctsenaterepublicans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/101321_ASaferConnecticut_SRO.pdf


Watch to learn more about the Senate Republican proposal: https://youtu.be/iyxAVfGDNmk  





Part 1: Crime Response

  • Increase information sharing and modify standards around detention orders
  • Require next day court for juveniles to expedite access to services
  • Ensure current programs are effective in addressing recidivism rates
  • Better recognize when a juvenile needs enhanced services and supports available through the adult court system, with the protections of the Youthful Offender docket in place.


Part 2: Prevention and Opportunity

  • Support for community programs focused on trauma, truancy, mediation, and mentorship
  • Workforce development programs
  • Partnerships with schools and local businesses to create a pipeline to careers
  • Summer jobs program
  • Vocational program recruitment
  • Safe housing policies


Part 3: Support Police & Safe Communities

  • Law enforcement recruitment
  • Targeted modifications to laws to enable police officers to do their jobs and keep people safe
  • Expand explorer programs to build better relationships between young people and our officers