Kelly to Lamont: Release Nursing Home COVID-19 Case Data Daily
January 13, 2022

Kelly Again Calls on Lamont to Reverse Guidance that Nursing Homes Accept COVID-19-Positive Patients
HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), ranking member of the Aging Committee is urging Governor Ned Lamont’s administration to increase its bi-weekly reporting on nursing home COVID-19 case data in light of the Governor’s guidance that nursing homes accept COVID-19-positive patients into their facilities.
In a letter to Gov. Lamont, Sen. Kelly called on the Governor to release daily data on COVID-19 cases in Connecticut’s nursing homes. He also urged the Governor to reverse his directive to nursing homes to accept COVID-19-positive patients from hospitals.
“Any policy that knowingly introduces COVID-19 into nursing homes is not wise nor does it have the interests of nursing home residents top of mind,” Sen. Kelly wrote to Gov. Lamont. “You must exercise an abundance of caution with this population, mindful of Connecticut’s experience in 2020 and the recommendations of the Mathematica report. I urge you to reverse your policy on this matter. Should this policy remain in place, it is vital that we get real time information on virus spread in our nursing homes so that action can be taken immediately to save lives. To wait two weeks between reports as COVID-positive individuals are placed into our nursing homes creates a dangerous delay in information sharing,” wrote Sen. Kelly.
“Please, listen to the voices of our seniors and their family members and reverse your guidance to nursing homes on accepting COVID-positive patients. Connecticut’s most vulnerable seniors and their loved ones have been through hell already. I pray I am wrong and that our nursing homes remain safe.”