Kelly Statement on the Possibility of Extending Gov. Lamont’s Emergency Powers for a Seventh Time
January 12, 2022

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to comments made today by Governor Ned Lamont and Senate President Martin Looney leaving the door open to extending the Governor’s emergency powers beyond February 15, 2022:
“Our government was never designed to operate like this. Connecticut has been under emergency executive powers for nearly two years, and now a seventh extension is really being considered? It’s outrageous. There is no reason why the legislature cannot act as an equal branch of government to manage the pandemic response and represent the voices of our constituents. It is past time to reinstate the oversight and transparency our three-branch system of government was designed to protect.
“Today, under executive powers, residents are still struggling to get PCR tests and timely results. The capacity and the testing infrastructure do not meet the demand. Teachers feel unsupported. Staffing challenges persist. COVID-19 positive patients are being introduced into nursing homes and the voices of nursing home residents and their loved ones are being ignored. Connecticut would benefit from legislative input and co-equal branches of government. It is the legislature’s responsibility to fight for the people’s right to be part of this process. It’s the people’s government and their voices must be heard.”