SEN. TONY HWANG: “Expanding COVID-19 Testing must be a Top Priority for All Levels of State Government.”

December 31, 2021

SEN. TONY HWANG: “Expanding COVID-19 Testing must be a Top Priority for All Levels of State Government.” - CT Senate Republic

HARTFORD – Details are still coming to light surrounding the extended delay, and eventual cancellation of the arrival of promised COVID-19 at-home test kids and N-95 masks. Senator Tony Hwang (R-28) shares his perspective on the state’s continued COVID testing shortage: It is all about focusing on significantly increasing testing capacity and acquiring take-home testing kits to reduce transmission risks.


“For a week when we would expect a quiet finish to the calendar year, it has been uncharacteristically hectic here in Connecticut. People are desperate to have access to COVID-19 tests and will brave long lines and cold weather to get them.


“The state shortage could not come at a worse time, when people are trying to ensure the health and safety of themselves and their loved ones while gathering to celebrate the holidays and look forward to accomplishing a new year of goals and a ‘new’ normal.


“I wrote a letter over a week ago urging the Governor to significantly increase testing capacity by opening more testing sites and making more at-home test kits available. This must be the top priority of our state government. Expanding Connecticut’s testing capacity puts the tools in people’s hands to make informed decisions to flatten the sharply rising infection curve we are currently experiencing.


“People are exhausted from the continued uncertainty and stress of staying safe through this pandemic that just won’t quit and their annoyance is compounded by inconsistency of public policy from an administration that is currently operating with executive emergency powers. I join my friends and neighbors in their frustration and disappointment in waiting for testing solutions to prevent further spread of the coronavirus and it’s variant strains. I continue to offer whatever time and effort I can to assist the Governor and Department of Public Health to work together to significantly increase testing capacity and continuing the advocacy of Covid vaccinations.”