Sen. Kelly Responds to Democrats’ Calls to Increase Health Insurance Rates for Unvaccinated Individuals

December 15, 2021

Sen. Kelly Responds to Democrats’ Calls to Increase Health Insurance Rates for Unvaccinated Individuals - CT Senate Republic

CT Democrats’ proposal would “disproportionately burden minority residents with more expensive health insurance, adding a brand-new barrier to health care.”


HARTFORD –  Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) issued the following statement in response to Connecticut Democrats considering legislation to allow insurance companies to charge people higher premiums if they have not been vaccinated for COVID-19:


“Connecticut Democrats are backing a proposal that would admittedly increase the costs of health care, and disproportionately burden minority residents with more expensive health insurance, adding a brand-new barrier to health care. Their proposal is discriminatory. It is dangerous policy that disregards public health and the importance of access to care. We need to reduce the costs of health care for all people and remove barriers to preventative care and treatment. Instead, Connecticut Democrats want to raise the price of health insurance premiums for a targeted group of people they define. It flies in the face of health equity. It contradicts the core principles of the Affordable Care Act banning discrimination based on health experience and pre-existing conditions.


“Connecticut residents are struggling. Health care is already too expensive. Connecticut Republicans stand ready to and will continue to work with anyone to find solutions that will reduce health care costs and increase access. It’s sad that Democrats who control our state are spending their time dreaming up ways to make health care more expensive and less accessible, rather than working with us to provide relief. There is a better way. We don’t get there by raising health care costs on a targeted group, we get there by increasing access to quality care for all people.”