Sen. Cicarella, Rep. Yaccarino Announce Approval of $2.5 Million State Investment to Support Senior Housing at Temple Pines
December 22, 2021

NORTH HAVEN – State Senator Paul Cicarella (R-34) and State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) are announcing the approval of a $2.5 million state investment to support improvements to the Temple Pines housing facility, which houses members of North Haven’s senior citizen community.
The state investment was approved by the State Bond Commission on Tuesday afternoon. The grant will support renovations including upgrades for code compliance, paving, exterior improvements, and interior improvements to the kitchens and bathrooms.
“As we continue to make our way through the pandemic, it’s very important that we help seniors in our community to maintain their quality of life and age in place with dignity and needed supports. This investment will help make necessary improvements to assist those living in Temple Pines. Thank you to all involved who’ve advocated on their behalf,” said Senator Cicarella.
“I am pleased to hear the good news of funding to make improvements to Temple Pines in North Haven,” said Rep. Yaccarino. “Last year I met with residents of this housing facility and they voiced their concerns with me about necessary improvements. I am so glad to hear that funding has been allotted to make necessary improvements to this senior housing facility.”