Sen. Berthel Calls on State Dept. of Education to Utilize School Resource Officers, Law Enforcement to Curb Uptick in School Threats and Violence
December 13, 2021

State Sen. Eric Berthel (R-Watertown), ranking member of the legislature’s Education Committee, is calling on the State’s Department of Education to utilize law enforcement professionals, in particular School Resource Officers, wherever possible to curb the recent spate of violent threats and incidents involving students in the state’s public schools.
In a letter to Department of Education Commissioner Charlene Russell-Tucker sent last week, Senator Berthel said, “Aside from the imminent threat to the health and safety of students in our schools, these incidents disrupt the learning process and prohibit students from receiving a proper education.
“I am pleased to learn that state agencies are working with the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection and I encourage you to allow them to utilize all the tools at their disposal to curb this marked uptick of violence in our schools. I also strongly encourage you to continue to utilize School Resource Officers to protect the wellbeing of our students.”
The full letter can be read here.