Join us Thursday, Dec. 16 for our Economic Forum!

December 7, 2021

Join us Thursday, Dec. 16 for our Economic Forum! - CT Senate Republic
On Thurs., Dec. 16, Sen. Ryan Fazio is hosting a town hall on taxes, cost of living, and Connecticut’s economy with Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, Yankee Institute economic analyst Marc Fitch, and CT manufacturing executive Beverlee Dacey.


Connecticut’s economy has struggled for years under high taxes, rising cost of living, and ineffective public policy. Yet we have the people, know-how, and ability to succeed fantastically with a positive change to state policies.


Join our discussion on how to pave a better way forward by registering at the link below and attending in person at Greenwich Town Hall or over zoom on Dec. 16th at 7PM!


All welcome!