Update on distribution of Covid-19 at-home tests & masks

December 30, 2021

Update on distribution of Covid-19 at-home tests & masks - CT Senate Republic

The state is waiting for the arrival of at-home rapid Covid-19 tests and N-95 masks. Each municipality will handle the distribution process of these testing kits (each containing two tests) which should begin in the next few days.

For a list of in-person testing sites, click here.

**Please monitor news from your town regarding local plans to distribute these kits and masks.**

Bozrah – 360 kits
Website: https://www.townofbozrah.org/

East Lyme – 2340 kits
Website: https://eltownhall.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elpublicsafety/

Montville – 2340 kits
Website: https://www.townofmontville.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montvillepolice/

New London – 3510 kits
Website: http://www.ci.new-london.ct.us/

Old Lyme – 990 kits
Website: https://www.oldlyme-ct.gov/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OldLymeCT

Old Saybrook – 1350 kits
Website: https://www.oldsaybrookct.gov/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OSPD106/

Salem – 540 kits
Website: https://www.salemct.gov/

Waterford – 2520 kits
Website: https://www.waterfordct.org/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Rob-Brule-Waterford-First-Selectman-1661256224154929/?ref=py_c
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/brule_rob