COVID-19 At-Home Rapid Test Distribution in the 21st District
December 29, 2021

The Governor announced a delay in shipment of CT’s rapid tests. This is impacting local distribution plans, including leading to many cancelations.
FOR THE LATEST INFO, visit your town website or social media accounts.
Where Tests Will be Distributed in Monroe, Seymour, Shelton, & Stratford
The Governor has announced plans to distribute three million COVID-19 at-home rapid tests and six million N95 masks in Connecticut in an effort to help curb the spread of COVID-19 during this heavy travel and holiday season.
The at-home tests and N95 masks are being distributed by the state to municipalities and school districts. Each municipality and school district will then determine how best to provide them to people who live in their respective cities and towns.
The following information details how the towns in the 21st district (Monroe, Seymour, Shelton, and Stratford) will distribute rapid tests this week (information available as of Wednesday morning). For the most updated information please contact your local town hall or visit your town website.
For statewide information on in-person testing sites click here.
Update from First Selectman Ken Kellogg: The Town of Monroe will be distributing free COVID-19 rapid self-test kits to Monroe residents on Thursday, December 30, 2021. The primary objective is to provide testing for those residents who are unable to find an alternative testing location AND have a known exposure or who are symptomatic.
The state is allocating test kits based upon population and Monroe is receiving approximately 2,400 kits. Since supplies are so limited, we are currently able to provide only ONE kit per vehicle, on a first come, first served basis. Each kit contains 2 tests.
Monroe residents can pick up a test kit on Thursday, December 30, 2021 from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM (or while supplies last) at Jockey Hollow Middle School, 365 Fan Hill Road. This will be a drive-through pickup and identification showing Monroe residency is required. Please do not arrive early, as vehicles will not be allowed to line up in advance.
Furthermore, the state is currently planning for a separate test kit distribution in January for students in grades K-12. Further details are expected next week and will be communicated as soon as available to the Monroe school community.
Latest information available at
Information from Town of Seymour: Seymour has obtained a limited supply of at-home Covid tests from the State. Each testing kit contains two rapid tests. Town staff and volunteers will distribute testing kits to Seymour residents on a first-come-first-serve basis, free of charge on Thursday, December 30th, from 4 PM – 6 PM at Seymour High School. If all tests are distributed, we will close early.
Tests will be distributed to Seymour residents only. Please bring your driver’s license or piece of addressed mail to establish proof of residency. Due to limited supplies, each vehicle will receive a maximum of two testing kits (4 tests total). Again, test kits will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please be respectful to your fellow residents and those staffing the event and take only what you need.
Residents must enter Seymour High School via Botsford Road. Police officers will be present to direct traffic.
Latest information available at
Information from City of Shelton: The City of Shelton will be distributing COVID-19 at-home rapid tests. The purpose of this distribution is to provide test kits to be used this week to reduce the spread of the Omicron virus and to supplement existing testing. The primary focus is for residents who have a known exposure or are symptomatic and are unable to find another test.
The City of Shelton is getting approximately 8,000 tests and they will be given out on a first come first serve basis. Each vehicle will receive two kits. You must be a Shelton resident and identification is required to receive a test.
The distribution will take place on Thursday, December 30th at 1:00 pm at Shelton High School. Entrance to the high school will only be from North Constitution Blvd. The high school Meadow Street entrance will be closed to all vehicular traffic.
DIAL 203-924-1555, Ext. 1402.
Latest information available at
Press Release from Town of Stratford: Mayor Laura R. Hoydick has announced plans for distribution in Stratford of COVID-19 test kits that the Town will receive as part of the 3 million rapid-test kits being distributed to Connecticut towns and cities by order of Governor Ned Lamont.
Test kits are being distributed to Connecticut communities on a per capita basis, with Stratford receiving 6570 kits. Kits will be made available to Stratford at two distribution points. As the number of kits available will be insufficient to cover everyone in town, they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Based on CT Department of Health recommendations to limit the number of tests made available per household, the Stratford distribution sites will distribute a maximum of two kits per household. Each kit contains two tests.
The kits will be made available from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 30th, at the following locations:
- Bunnell High School Parking Lot, 1 Bulldog Blvd., Stratford
- Stratford Academy: Johnson House Parking Lot, 719 Birdseye St., Stratford
Tests will be available only to Stratford residents and distributed through drive-up. Residents will be directed through each drive-up by staff at each location. Everyone in vehicles coming through the drive-up should remain masked the entire time.
Households will have additional opportunities to receive test kits in the coming weeks through the school system and Federally-Qualified Health Centers.
Residents should note that there continues to be sites available in Stratford for COVID-19 tests, including DeLuca Field parking lot every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (closed Friday Dec. 31st). You can register here:
Drive-through testing is also available at DOCS Urgent Care Center, 200 East Main Street (Appointments can be made here) and at CVS Pharmacy at 1 Hawley Lane (Appointments can be made at
More information on vaccines can be obtained by visiting
Locations for vaccines and boosters in Stratford (appointments required):
CVS Pharmacy – 1425 Barnum Ave.
Walgreens – 1606 Barnum Ave.
ShopRite Pharmacy – 250 Barnum Ave.
Walmart – 150 Barnum Ave.
Stop & Shop – 200 East Main Street
Rite Aid – 3680 Main St.
The Connecticut Department of Health also has many walk-in clinics available without an appointment. Click here.
For the latest information visit