Sen. Kelly Applauds Opening of New I-95 Exit 33 On-Ramp, Thanks All Involved

November 19, 2021

Sen. Kelly Applauds Opening of New I-95 Exit 33 On-Ramp, Thanks All Involved - CT Senate Republic

STRATFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) today attended the ribbon cutting for the opening of the new I-95 northbound exit 33 on-ramp in Stratford.


“Today marks the successful conclusion to a process long in the making,” said Sen. Kelly. “From concept to construction, there are many people to thank:  Mayor Laura Hoydick for her leadership in Town and in Hartford, former Mayor and State Representative John Harkins, many members of the Stratford Chamber of Commerce, Commissioner Giulietti, Commissioner Redeker and the entire State Department of Transportation, our Federal government partners, Don Shubert, local labor and many more.  Your efforts, your talents and your commitment to this project got us here today.


“What this means to Stratford is significant.  It is the final and closing chapter to the long story of Stratford’s toll plaza.  A toll that was bad for the environment, bad for traffic safety and commuters, and bad for local commerce and jobs.  A toll that disrupted the flow of traffic, not only on I-95, but also the flow of traffic within our Town. Today is a new beginning. A beginning which will provide Stratford with greater access to, and exit from, I-95; as well as an investment in our Route 1 corridor to improve traffic flow, enhance commerce, create jobs and broaden our local tax base.  Years of hard work, planning and leadership have brought us to this point and for that, we say thank you to all involved,” said Sen. Kelly.


The new on-ramp opens to traffic today.