Sen. Kelly Responds to Gov. Lamont’s Press Conference on Rising Crime
October 28, 2021

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to a press conference held today by Governor Ned Lamont regarding the state’s uptick in violent crime:
“The Governor can no longer turn a blind eye to the rise in violent crime and the outcry from communities across our state for both justice reforms and support for our kids. It sounds like Gov. Lamont is finally starting to realize the situation we are in. We encourage him to read our plan for a safer Connecticut and call a special session so that we can immediately work together to implement a real, multipronged approach to stop and prevent crime. We must act to give law enforcement and our courts the tools they need to address high risk repeat offenders. That is the only way to stop crime now. We also need to create opportunity, mentorship, mediation, and address trauma in our communities to prevent crime in the future. Connecticut is dead last in job growth and income growth, opportunity is not available to every child. That is wrong and it needs to change. Justice reforms and opportunity must go hand in hand. You cannot address one without the other.”
Read the Senate Republicans’ plan for a Safer Connecticut at