VIDEO: Sen. Rob Sampson shows how the Emergency is Over

September 28, 2021

Friends and Neighbors,

Below is a link to my speech laying out the facts and data about where we are with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Governor’s hypocrisy, and the fight to restore constitutional representative government in the Constitution State.

The Senate vote on extending the emergency powers ended up passing 18-15 with 3 members absent.

For those feeling defeated, please don’t. We ARE making a difference. Yesterday, the Democrat Senators voting yes were feeling the heat over it. The Governor is on the defense and citizens across Connecticut are realizing what is happening. We must continue to share this truth – get them to watch this video – and we can take it back!

Here are links to the documents I referenced in the video:
Response from CTDPH to some of my pandemic-related questions

Response from the Chief Medical Examiner on record keeping and data questions

Response from the CT Hospital Association to my pandemic-related questions

Infographic on Inpatient Bed Utilization Rate by State

CTDPH Covid-19 Associated Death Rates by Age Group

CTDPH Covid-19 Case Rates by Age Group

CTDPH Sept 27, 2021 Covid Case Summary

Enjoy and don’t forget to SHARE this information!

Thank you,