Sens. Kelly & Kissel: Public safety in CT “is the REAL emergency.”

September 15, 2021

Sens. Kelly & Kissel: Public safety in CT “is the REAL emergency.” - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sep. 15, 2021


“This is the real emergency.”

Sens. Kissel and Kelly call for action on
CT crime wave

Kissel: Kidnapping in Marlborough “terrifying”

Citing the many incidents of juvenile and violent crime that have been occurring in Connecticut, Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly and Sen. John A. Kissel today demanded that the legislature take action to address criminal justice reforms in order to better protect citizens.

Sen. Kelly said, “Where are majority Democrats? What are their priorities and why aren’t they leading the way to a safer Connecticut? Hartford is on pace for one of its deadliest years in decades. New Haven’s homicide rate is up over 67% so far this year. It has seen three homicides since Aug. 5. Juvenile crime is on the rise, shootings are occurring in broad daylight, carjackings and auto thefts are increasing, women and children are being hit by stray bullets and killed while in their own home or sitting in a car. This is absolutely unacceptable. What are we doing about it and where is the sense of urgency?”

“While majority Democrats are fixated on once again extending the governor’s emergency powers until February or March, public safety is the real emergency that our state is facing,” Sen. Kissel said.  “People do not feel safe leaving the grocery store or when they fill up at a gas station. This week, it was the terrifying kidnapping of a 64-year-old woman in Marlborough.  Earlier this summer, it was the attempted shooting of a Glastonbury homeowner who interrupted a vehicle break-in in her driveway. In New Britain, it was the tragic fatal hit-and-run of a jogger who was jogging on a sidewalk. The violence in our cities, suburbs and rural areas is depicted in the news every day.  Meanwhile, our working group which is supposed to be tackling this issue with purpose has inexplicably become rudderless.  Public safety, accountability and improving the quality of life in our state need to be our priorities.”
