Senator Witkos Votes In Opposition To Continued Emergency Declaration
September 29, 2021
Hartford, CT – State Senator Witkos has voted in opposition to the request by Governor Lamont to continue the emergency declaration through February 15th, 2022. Senator Witkos released the following statement following the vote:
“The State Senate convened today for a special session to consider and vote upon an extension of the Governor’s emergency declaration through February 15th, 2022. While I believe that an emergency declaration was a prudent step in the early days of the pandemic and the ensuing months of uncertainty, I also believe that we have come a long way since then, even throughout renewed concerns surrounding the Delta variant.
I voted in opposition today because it is long past time that we return power to the legislature as a co-equal branch of state government. The legislature has shown on numerous occasions that we can convene in special session to address issues in a timely fashion. I voted in opposition to this request and while not surprised by the outcome, I am disappointed, nonetheless. As elected officials, it is our responsibility to vote on important matters impacting our constituents and I am disappointed that our state will continue to be governed through executive order. Legislators are elected to represent their constituents, not continuously sign away their authority to the Governor”.
The measure passed the State Senate on a vote of 18-15, and was previously approved by the House of Representatives on Monday, September 27th by a vote of 80-60.