Sen. Miner Supports Constituents’ Personal Rights, Opposes Extension of Gov. Lamont’s Emergency Powers
September 28, 2021

Chief Deputy Senate Republican Leader Craig Miner (R-Litchfield) today issued the following statement on the Senate’s passage of a Democratic resolution extending Gov. Ned Lamont’s COVID emergency executive powers through February 15, 2022. This is the sixth time that these powers have been extended, which will now total nearly two years of state government under the emergency executive authority of Governor Lamont.
“Today I voted ‘no’ to the Democrats’ continued diminishment of my constituents’ personal rights by way of a public health emergency. This emergency declaration enables Governor Lamont to continue with unnecessary mandates that have taken my constituents’ freedom to make their own decisions for over a year,” said Senator Miner. “He and the majority Democrats continue to hang on to this supposed emergency while their own metrics like hospitalization and infection rates—that are dubious on their face—indicate otherwise.
“For the past year, I’ve asked what metrics lead them to determine a public health emergency. I’ve also asked what metrics would compel them to lift this perpetual state of emergency that’s been in place for almost two years. The goal posts move each time. The reality that my constituents and I understand is that it will be unlikely that we achieve a zero COVID infection rate in the foreseeable future. I suspect that the Governor and legislative Democrats are aware of this. I also suspect that it’s far easier for those on the other side of the aisle to leave the hard decisions to the Governor. Likewise, Governor Lamont has publicly proclaimed that it’s easier to get things done unencumbered by the legislature. It’s a win-win for power-hungry politicians and a losing scenario for freedom.
“The unanswered question remains: what is the standard for us to define an end to this emergency and a return to some form of normal? I believe there will be variants of this virus for the rest of my life and the definition of ‘normal’ has changed. We’ve shown that either through vaccination or otherwise, we can all manage our own health and risk. The full legislature is unable to serve as the voice of those whom we represent as a co-equal branch of government. It’s time for this, at least, to return to normal,” he said.