Sen. Kelly Objects to Gov. Lamont’s “Mother Teresa” Comment, Calls for Respectful Dialogue on Religion
September 29, 2021

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) responded to comments made today by Governor Ned Lamont at a press conference when talking about state employees with a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. When discussing the number of state employees with a religious exemption Gov. Lamont said, “Is this something that’s being exploited or are these a very small group of Mother Teresas who have come forward and feel deeply.” (Watch it here.)
“I take exception to governor’s snide remark calling individuals who claim a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine ‘Mother Teresas,’ ” said Sen. Kelly. “Mother Teresa dedicated her life to service. She is an international role model of faith, humility, and charity. She is recognized as a Saint in the Roman Catholic Church. Her life must be emulated not denigrated as a joke or used as a veiled sarcastic insult. Religious freedom is a core value of our nation. Government has no business judging someone’s religious beliefs, let alone joking or laughing at them. As the leader of our state, I expect much more from the Governor when it comes to respecting people’s religion and faith.”