Sen. Champagne Statement on Extension of Gov. Lamont’s Emergency Executive Powers
September 28, 2021

Today Assistant Senate Republican Leader Dan Champagne (R-Vernon) today issued the following statement on the Senate’s passage of a resolution extending Gov. Ned Lamont’s COVID emergency executive powers through February 15, 2022. This is the sixth time that these powers have been extended, which will now total nearly two years of state government under the emergency executive authority of Governor Lamont.
“What emergency are we in? To determine this, I like to look at numbers. Overall, the numbers show that the emergency is over. Are people still suffering and dying from COVID? Yes they are, and these deaths, like any death, is tragic. Nonetheless, the numbers show that COVID’s mortality rate is a fraction of one percent. The state’s infection rate is equally low, below two percent. Treatments are much better for the virus and we know the science behind it. We also have many hospital beds available for those that require hospitalization. All of these signs tell me and my constituents that the emergency is over,” said Senator Champagne.
“If you look around, you will see that the emergency is over. People are choosing to wear masks in public and they’re going out in large crowds to fairs and concerts. I’ve been to many local events and people want to be out. I’ve been contacted by many constituents over the past few months. The vast majority of them asked me to vote ‘no’ to extending the Governor’s emergency powers any longer.
“The numbers that aren’t so obvious, however, are how your dollars have been spent during this emergency. Our job as a legislature is to approve spending. One of the other questions that I have is how much money was spent under the Governor’s emergency powers that did not go through the legislature, as designed? I’ve posed this question to the Governor’s office and have yet to receive an answer. I am startled at this lack of transparency.
“We have other emergencies that need attention. The Governor and the majority are ignoring other problems like the glaring issue of crime in the state. We must fully restore the voice of the people through co-equal branches of government because this is the only way that their interests can be genuinely served,” he said.
The resolution, which passed the House on Monday, cleared the Senate 18-15 with three absent.