Kelly Slams Lamont for Saying “We’ve Done What We Can” on Crime
September 24, 2021

Sen. Kelly: Lamont’s Comments “Infuriating” and “Tone Deaf”
HARTFORD – Yesterday Governor Ned Lamont was asked about his refusal to call a special legislative session to address the rise in violent crime. Gov. Lamont responded, “On crime, we’ve done what we can do here.” He referenced money the state has distributed and called on municipalities to consider getting more community police on the ground and said that “I haven’t heard of any specific suggestions that require immediate action.” (Listen:
Today, Sen. Kelly responded to Gov. Lamont’s comments:
“We are in the middle of historic spike in violent crime that is crippling our cities and creating fear across our state. For our Governor to say ‘we’ve done what we can’ is infuriating and tone deaf,” said Kelly.
“Hartford is on pace for one of its deadliest years in decades. New Haven’s homicide rate is up over 67% so far this year. Shootings are occurring in broad daylight, car-jackings and auto thefts are increasing, women and children are being hit by stray bullets and killed while in their own home or sitting in a car. Five cities in Connecticut make up 16% of Connecticut’s population, but over one-third of crime occurs within those urban areas. Democrats have failed the cities and their residents. And now Gov. Lamont is saying sorry, we’ve done all we can.
“Clearly just throwing money at the problem has not worked. We need justice reforms, we need opportunity for young people and intervention, and we need to support our police with the tools to keep all people in every community safe. We need action that involves all stakeholders. To say ‘we’ve done what we can,’ is a complete failure in leadership. Connecticut families deserve better. They deserve to be safe.”