Kelly Slams Gov. Lamont’s Refusal to Call a Special Session on Crime
September 22, 2021

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) is responding to Governor Ned Lamont’s refusal to call for a special legislative session to address the state’s rising violent crime. Today Gov. Lamont issued his official call for a special legislative session to extend his COVID-19 emergency powers for a sixth time. The Governor is refusing to add crime to the special session agenda, as Republican lawmakers are calling for action.
“Connecticut residents in every city and town do not feel safe and are demanding action from their government. Violence is a public health crisis. It is an emergency that must be addressed,” said Kelly.
“Violent crime is rising at undeniable rates in our cities. Hartford is on pace for one of its deadliest years in decades. New Haven’s homicide rate is up over 67% so far this year. And in our suburbs, we hear every day of violent and escalating crimes from stabbings, to abductions, to car-jackings. While Gov. Lamont just told us last week that schools reopening could help stop violence, this week violence closed a school in New Britain.
“We are at a breaking point. The violence is unacceptable. We must address the root causes of crime. We must be honest about the lack of opportunity in our state and especially in our cities where people have been over-victimized for far too long. We must prevent crime, we must support young people, and when people refuse to reform, the system must provide for accountability, closing the current revolving door of repeat offenders. We can only do this with all voices at the table and all perspectives coming together. Inaction is not an option.”
Sen. Kelly also responded to the Governor’s request for a sixth extension of his COVID-19 emergency powers, which will expand executive powers for another four and a half months.
“Our government is not wired for one-person rule. Nearly every other state in the northeast has already ended their states of emergency. There is no reason why the legislature cannot act in equal partnership with the executive branch to codify any policy needed to continue administering vaccines, to oversee public health issues, or to keep our communities safe,” said Kelly.