Kelly, Hwang Respond to Health Insurance Rate Hikes Approved by CT Insurance Department
September 10, 2021

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and Senator Tony Hwang (R-Fairfield), ranking member of the Insurance Committee, responded to news that the Connecticut Insurance Department approved health insurance rate increases averaging 5.6 percent for the individual market and 6.7 percent for the small group market. This is a reduction from the initial rate increase requested, but still results in higher rates. They released the following statement:
“The cost of health care is rising again because of CT Democrats’ inaction. Connecticut is becoming more unaffordable for working and middle class families. It’s infuriating because it didn’t have to be this way. Connecticut Republicans have a better way to affordable health care and a comprehensive plan to rein in cost drivers and reduce premiums for all families by up to 30%. That’s a savings of over $500 per month for the average family. But Democrats refused to consider this plan. Now, instead of premiums going down, rates are going up. Democrats refused to take action to reduce the growth of industry cost drivers and to make insurance more affordable for all. This is unacceptable. We will continue to push for action on health care reform. All people deserve affordable, quality care.”
To read Sen. Kelly and Sen. Hwang’s testimony submitted to the Insurance Department in opposition to the proposed rate increases, click here: