Kelly, Candelora Demand Action from Governor on Commission Addressing Emergency Powers

September 15, 2021

Kelly, Candelora Demand Action from Governor on Commission Addressing Emergency Powers - CT Senate Republic

Candelora and Kelly Statement on Bipartisan Commission to Study Declarations of Public Health and Civil Preparedness Emergencies


HARTFORD—House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora and Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly on Wednesday issued the following statement urging Governor Lamont to make his appointment to the Bipartisan Commission to Study Declarations of the Public Health and Civil Preparedness Emergencies:


“Over the last year we’ve been adamant in our concerns that the legislature’s role as a co-equal branch of government has been diminished through the unprecedented level of control the governor has held throughout the pandemic, and by passing Special Act 21-5 in May, our colleagues in the General Assembly recognized the need to review the statutes that govern how declarations of public health and civil preparedness emergencies are issued. Despite his often-repeated claims about wanting to work with the legislature, we have to question just how committed the governor is to that endeavor given his apparent failure to simply make his required appointment to a new bipartisan commission tasked with recommending ways to install greater legislative oversight over this process. This commission has important work to do yet it’s been unable to start because of the governor’s inaction, already missing a deadline to hold its first meeting. Considering this panel’s recommendations are due less than four months from now, we urge the governor to make his appointment to this commission immediately.”


Click here to view the official communication from Rep. Candelora and Sen. Kelly to the governor.